Tenant Precautions

Building security requires your cooperation to effectively secure your premises. We recommend that your company implement these simple, but effective policies:

  • Do not leave your reception area unattended.
  • Keep valuables in secured areas (locked desks, file cabinets, etc.) when not attended and out of sight when attended.
  • Keep safes locked when unattended, and don’t leave the combination information where it is likely to be found.
  • Record serial numbers of all valuable office equipment.
  • Solicitation is not permitted on building premises.  Report all unauthorized or suspicious persons immediately to property management or building security. Provide a full description of the person(s) and the last area in which they were observed, and if possible, the direction in which they were headed.
  • Require identification from repairmen who come to work in your office suite. Messengers must also be prepared to show identification and delivery papers at all times.
  • Security experts have found that the receptionist position is the best line of defense against potential perpetrators. The receptionist should be trained to be the best “security” employee in the company.
  • When an employee leaves your office space, his or her need for vigilance continues. Remind your employees that whether leaving the building to go to a meeting, retrieving a car in the parking garage, or walking about the public areas of the building, move with a purpose and be reasonably on guard. This is particularly true during the dark hours.
  • “See Something Say Something”
  • Meanwhile, do what you can to heighten the level of situational and security awareness, and remind everyone to keep valuables locked and out of sight.