Office Suite Access Control Systems

Access Control System Provider:  Kastle/Data Watch





Building Perimeter Intrusion

This system monitors "after-hours" entry into the buildings at certain locations, allowing only tenants and authorized guest’s entry into the building during the time when the alarm is activated. The computerized system will list, on request, the names of persons who have used an authorized coded key to gain access to the building.  Each tenant is issued a certain number of electronically coded access cards or key fobs. Designated telephones are located adjacent to card readers to permit communication with the central monitoring center.  Authorized guests use this telephone to gain entry and to access a building elevator after normal business hours.


Access Cards

To enter the building after hours, a key fob is needed.  Tenants should be careful to issue these key fobs only to those employees they always want to have complete access to the building. If you need additional cards, please contact access control system provider.

It is always prudent to maintain a list of employees' access cards/key fob numbers and update it from time to time to ensure that none have been lost or stolen.  In addition, you should notify Kastle whenever an employee leaves your organization.  Finally, as an additional precaution, we recommend you review your list of employees with access privileges once each quarter and cross check it with a list provided the access control system provider to ensure that each set of records is current. You can contact the access control system provider to get a copy of their list.


Utility Closet Access

You must call the Management office in order to have the building engineer access any Utility Closet for the purpose of a contracted vendor performing repairs or maintenance for your suite.


Lost or Stolen Cards/Key Fobs

In the event one of your employees loses a card/key fob or has one stolen, report it immediately to access control system provider. They will remove the card/key fob’s access code from the system and make the necessary arrangements for a replacement.

Replacement cost: $9 per fob