
OBSOLETE - See Sitemap for corporate content pages....JBG SMITH is committed to maintaining a comprehensive, effective and convenient recycling program. Recycling is required in each jurisdiction in the Washington, DC metropolitan region and this page outlines all of the products that can be recycled in your building as well as the resources and materials that are available to you.

All of the following materials can be recycled in your building:

  • Paper products of all types and colors
  • Cardboard (plain, non-waxed) including UPS and FEDEX boxes
  • Glass
  • Metal
  • Plastics #1-7
  • Electronic waste (through annual e-waste recycling drives)
  • Batteries (at a centralized recycling container)

All packaging tape, packing peanuts, etc. must be removed from boxes prior to recycling them.  Waxed cardboard and Tyvek envelopes cannot be recycled.  When recycling boxes/paper always remember if you can rip it, you can recycle it.

To increase recyling participation. your Property Management team will provide complementary:

For your convenience, our cleaning crews remove recycling and waste each night as they clean the building.

If you have any questions about our recycling programs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Property Manager and download JBG SMITH TENANT RECYCLING PROGRAM DETAILS for more information.

Click Here for additional information on JBG SMITH Sustainability Programs, Policies and Case Studies

Visit the JBG SMITH Green site for addition tenant sustainability and wellness resources


Jurisdictional Resources:

Note: Jurisdictions require recycling inspections and may charge inspection fees for each tenant in a building. Fines will be levied if requirements aren’t met. Please reach out to the Property Management office for specifics.