Tenant Service Center


The Tenant Service Center (TSC) is located on the first floor of 2345 Crystal Drive, Arlington, Virginia. The Tenant Service Center staff can be reached at (703) 769-1250. The TSC serves as the operational control center and emergency response center for all JBG SMITH tenants. The TSC has a backup emergency generator and standalone Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) so it can operate during power outages and severe weather.

The center embodies the commitment that JBG SMITH has made to enhance its customer service capabilities and improve building operations through the application of state-of-the-art building automation systems.

From central plant monitoring to monitoring critical environmental control points in a tenant space, the TSC has the technology and the operational expertise to handle any command and control requirement.


Key features of the TSC are:

Customer Service:

The Center operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  The trained staff is available to assist our tenants after normal business hours, weekends, and holidays with any issue or emergency. The staff is committed to providing exceptional customer service.

Perpetual Monitoring:

Operating on a 24-hour basis, the TSC is never out of touch with JBG SMITH properties. The automation systems in use by the TSC are deployed on a network basis to ensure that all properties are being monitored consistently.

Skilled Monitoring Personnel:

The TSC employs trained, licensed operating engineers who recognize the importance of the information they see and the potential impact on building systems or occupancy.  With their training and technical expertise, the monitoring personnel are able to intervene and potentially avert major system problems.

Operations Oversight:

With the TSC staff remotely controlling and monitoring the mechanical systems in all our buildings, the on-site Building Engineers are able to provide a higher level of tenant responsiveness.  The TSC notifies the Building Engineers when mechanical conditions in their buildings warrant their immediate attention.  Since the TSC personnel are also JBG SMITH employees, there is a seamless interface with building maintenance personnel.

Energy Conservation:

Through monitoring and intelligent building system control strategies, the JBG SMITH properties benefit from an average annual energy expense approximately 11% below the Building Owners and Managers Association International (BOMA) average for utility expense in the greater Washington D.C. metropolitan area.

Utility Procurement/Economies of Scale:

Supply side utility management is also an important part of our overall energy strategy. As a large user of utilities in the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, JBG SMITH brings many economies of scale to its ability to procure utilities at a lower cost.  Through leveraging of supplier competition in deregulated markets and optimizing rate schedules in regulated markets, we have developed the most effective commodity purchasing program for our properties, which helps reduce our operating costs.

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