
Please forward certificate of Liability insurance (General Liability, Workers Comp, Auto Liability) with the additional insured as listed below . Please reference the tenant the vendor is servicing. 


additional insured

JBGS/1900 N, L.L.C., JBG Smith Properties LP, JBG/Commercial Management, L.L.C., JBG Smith Employee Company, L.L.C. together with the respective owners, partners, members, managers, shareholders, officers, directors, employees, and agents of each of the foregoing entities, and the holder of any mortgage, deed of trust or other security interest encumbering the building.


Certificate Holder and mailing address

JBGS/1900 N, L.L.C.
C/O JBG SMITH Properties
1900 N Street, NW
Lobby Level
Washington, DC 20036

Please request the certificate of insurance be sent electronically to your property mangement team.