General Rules and Regulations

How to Live and Work in a JBG SMITH Building

Please note that the JBG SMITH Building Rules and Regulations are attached as an exhibit to your lease. To the extent that anything in this document conflicts with the Building Rules and Regulations attached to your lease, the Building Rules and Regulations attached to your lease shall prevail.


  1. Tenant shall not obstruct or interfere with the rights of other tenants of the Building or the Complex, or of persons having business in the Building or the Complex, or in any way injure or annoy such tenants or persons.  Tenant will not conduct any activity within the Demised Premises which will create excessive traffic or noise anywhere in the Building or the Complex.  Tenant shall not bring or keep within the Building any animal, motorcycle, or type of vehicle, except as required by law. Tenants are requested to use storage provided at the Building for bicycles.  If bicycles are brought into the building, Tenant shall only use the loading dock, rear entrance or service corridor, and freight elevator.  Bicycles shall be stored in Tenant space, and not in public corridors or closets.  Bicycles shall not obstruct emergency egress.
  2. Tenant shall promptly report to Landlord's Agent all accidents and incidents occurring on or about the Demised Premises, the Building and/or the Complex which involve or relate to the security and safety of persons and/or property.
  3. Tenant shall use and occupy the Demised Premises only for the purposes specified in Section 1.6 of the Lease and for no other purpose whatsoever, and shall comply, and cause its employees, agents, contractors, invitees and other users of the Demised Premises to comply, with applicable zoning and other municipal regulations, including but not limited to smoking regulations.  In consideration of the health, welfare and the morale of our tenants, the Building is smoke free.  This includes any connecting arcades, concourses, shopping centers and walkways. Landlord shall require Tenant to comply, and Tenant shall cause its employees, agents, contractors, Invitees and other users of the. Demised Premises to comply, with the specific measures established by Landlord and Landlord's Agent to implement such policy. Smoking is not allowed within twenty-five (25) feet of building and retail entrances or in garages.  Canvassing, soliciting and peddling in the Building or anywhere in the Complex are prohibited, and Tenant shall cooperate to prevent such activities. "Smoking," as used in this policy, means the use of any tobacco-based or smoke-producing or vapor-producing item, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, pipes, bidis, kreteks and similar products.
  4. All office equipment and any other device of any electrical or mechanical nature shall be placed by Tenant in the Demised Premises in settings approved by Landlord, so as to absorb or prevent any vibration, noise, or annoyance.  Tenant shall not construct, maintain, use or operate within the Demised Premises or elsewhere in the Building or outside of the Building any equipment or machinery which produces music, sound or noise, which is audible beyond the Demised Premises. Tenant shall not cause objectionable noises, vibrations or odors within the Building.
  5. Tenant shall not deposit any trash, refuse, cigarettes, or other substances of any kind within or out of the Building, except in the refuse containers provided therefor.  No material shall be placed in the trash boxes or receptacles if such material is of such nature that it may not be disposed of in the ordinary and customary manner of removing and disposing of office building trash and garbage without being in violation of the Lease or any law or ordinance governing such disposal.  Tenant shall be charged the cost of removal for any items left by Tenant that cannot be so removed.  All garbage and refuse disposal shall be made only through entry ways and elevators provided for such purposes and at such times as Landlord shall designate. Tenant shall not introduce into the Building any substance which might add an undue burden to the cleaning or maintenance of the Demised Premises or the Building.  Tenant shall exercise its best efforts to keep the sidewalks, entrances, passages, courts, lobby areas, garages or parking areas, elevators, escalators, stairways, vestibules, public corridors and halls in and about the Building (hereinafter "Common Areas") clean and free from Tenant's rubbish.  Tenant shall not cause any unnecessary labor by reason of Tenant's carelessness or indifference in the preservation of good order and cleanliness.
  6. Tenant shall use the Common Areas only as a means of ingress and egress, and Tenant shall permit no loitering by Tenant's agents, employees, visitors or invitees upon Common Areas or elsewhere within the Building.  Tenant shall comply, and cause its employees, agents, contractors, invitees and other users of the Demised Premises to comply, with all rules and regulations adopted by Landlord governing the use of the Common Areas.  The Common Areas and roof of the Building are not for the use of the general public, and Landlord shall in all cases retain the right to control or prevent access thereto by all persons whose presence, in the judgment of Landlord, shall be prejudicial to the safety, character, reputation or interests of the Building and its tenants.  Tenant shall not enter or install equipment in the mechanical rooms, air conditioning rooms, electrical closets, janitorial closets, or similar areas or go upon the roof of the Building without the prior written consent of Landlord.  Tenant shall not install any radio or television antenna, loudspeaker, or other device on the roof or exterior walls of the Building. Tenant shall not, nor shall Tenant's agents, employees or contractors, enter or install equipment in or at the equipment room(s) or closet(s), inside telecommunications and/or data transmission wire space and/or conduits or the telephone wire demarcation point in the Building without Landlord's prior consent.
  7. Without limitation upon any of the provisions of the Lease, Tenant shall not mark, paint, drill into, cut, string wires within, or in any way deface any part of the Building, without the prior written consent of Landlord, and as Landlord may direct.  Upon removal of any wall decorations or installations or floor coverings by Tenant, any damage to the walls or floors shall be repaired by Tenant at Tenant's sole cost and expense.  Tenant shall not lay linoleum or similar floor coverings so that the same shall come into direct contact with the floor of the Demised Premises and, if linoleum or other similar floor covering is to be used, an interlining of builder's deadening felt shall be first affixed to the floor, by a paste or other materials soluble in water.  The use of cement or other similar adhesive material is expressly prohibited.  Floor distribution boxes for electric and telephone wires must remain accessible at all times.
  8. Tenant shall not install or permit the installation of any awnings, shades, mylar films or sunfilters on windows.  Tenant shall cooperate with Landlord in obtaining maximum effectiveness of the cooling system of the Building by closing drapes and other window coverings when the sun's rays fall upon windows of the Demised Premises.  Tenant shall not obstruct, alter or in any way impair the efficient operation of the Systems, nor shall Tenant tamper with or change the setting of any thermostat or temperature control valves in the Building (this is not applicable in VAV buildings).  Tenant shall not cover induction units.
  9. Tenant shall not use the washrooms, restrooms and plumbing fixtures of the Building, and appurtenances thereto, for any purpose other than the purpose for which they were constructed, and Tenant shall not deposit any sweepings, rubbish, rags, or toxic or flammable products, or other improper substances, therein.  Tenant shall not waste water by interfering or tampering with the faucets or otherwise.  If Tenant or Tenant's employees, agents, contractors, jobbers, licensees, invitees, guests or visitors cause any damage to such washrooms, restrooms, plumbing fixtures or appurtenances, such damage shall be repaired at Tenant's expense, and Landlord shall not be responsible therefor.
  10. Subject to applicable fire or other safety regulations, all doors opening onto Common Areas and all doors upon the perimeter of the Demised Premises shall be kept closed and, during non-business hours, locked, except when in use for ingress or egress.  If Tenant uses the Demised Premises after regular business hours or on non-business days, Tenant shall lock any entrance doors to the Building or to the Demised Premises used by Tenant immediately after using such doors. Tenant shall cooperate with energy conservation by limiting use of lights to areas occupied during non-business hours.
  11. Employees of Landlord shall not receive or carry messages for or to Tenant or any other person, nor contract with nor render free or paid services to Tenant or Tenant's employees, contractors, jobbers, agents, invitees, licensees, guests or visitors.  In the event that any of Landlord's employees perform any such services, such employees shall be deemed to be the agents of Tenant regardless of whether or how payment is arranged for such services, and Tenant hereby indemnifies and holds Landlord harmless from any and all liability in connection with any such services and any associated injury or damage to property or injury or death to persons resulting therefrom.
  12. All keys to the exterior doors of the Demised Premises shall be obtained by Tenant from Landlord, and Tenant shall pay to Landlord a reasonable deposit determined by Landlord from time to time for such keys. Tenant shall not make duplicate copies of such keys.  No additional locks, other devices or systems which would restrict access to the Demised Premises shall be placed upon any doors without the prior consent of Landlord. Tenant shall, upon the termination of its tenancy, provide Landlord with the combinations to all combination locks on safes, safe cabinets, and other key-controlled mechanisms therein, whether or not such keys were furnished to Tenant by Landlord.  In the event of the loss of any key furnished to Tenant by Landlord, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the cost of replacing the same or of changing the lock or locks opened by such lost key if Landlord shall deem it necessary to make such a change.  The word "key" as used herein shall refer to keys, keycards, and all such means of obtaining access through restricted access systems.
  13. No sign, advertisement or notice shall be inscribed, painted or affixed on any part of the outside of the Building, or in the common areas of the Building, or inside the Demised Premises where it may be visible from the public areas of the Building, except on the directories and doors of offices, and then only in such size, color, method of attachment and style as Landlord shall approve.
  14. Landlord will provide and maintain a directory board for the Building, in the main lobby of the Building, and no other directories shall be allowed.
  15. All contractors, contractors' representatives and installation technicians tendering any service to Tenant shall be referred by Tenant to Landlord for Landlord's supervision, approval and control before the performance of any contractual service. This provision shall apply to all work performed in the Building.
  16. After initial occupancy, movement in or out of the Building of furniture or office equipment, or dispatch or receipt by Tenant of any bulky material, merchandise or material which requires use of elevators shall be restricted to the use of freight elevators only.  Absolutely no carts or dollies are allowed through the main entrances or on passenger elevators. All items not hand carried must be delivered via the appropriate loading dock and freight elevator, if any.
  17. No portion of the Demised Premises shall at any time be used or occupied as sleeping or lodging quarters.
  18. Landlord shall have the power to prescribe the weight and position of safes and other heavy equipment, which shall in all cases, to distribute weight, stand on supporting devices approved by Landlord.  All damages done to the Building by taking in or putting out any property of Tenant, or done by Tenant's Property while in the Building, shall be repaired at the expense of Tenant.
  19. For purposes hereof, the terms "Landlord", "Landlord's Agent", "Tenant", "Complex", "Building", "Demised Premises", "Tenant's Property" and "Systems" are defined in the Lease to which these rules and regulations are attached.  Wherever these terms appear in the rules and regulations they shall have the same meaning as defined in the Lease.
  20. These Rules and Regulations are in addition to and shall not be construed to in any way modify or amend, in whole or in part, the agreements, covenants, conditions and provisions of any lease of any premises in the Building.