Equipment Removal

It may be necessary from time-to-time for someone from your office to remove property (i.e., boxes, computers, typewriters, furniture, copier, etc) from the premises. Prior to this taking place, we ask that you notify Property Management with the following information:

  • Tenant’s name
  • Tenant’s phone number
  • Date materials are to be removed
  • List of all items and quantities to be removed (e.g., two boxes, one chair, one computer, etc)
  • Serial number of equipment, if applicable
  • Company or personal property
  • Name of individual(s) who will be removing property
  • Signature of tenant authorized party
  • Date authorization is given


Building staff can stop anyone leaving the building with equipment and request identification. If the party is unable to produce proper or matching identification, they may not be permitted to remove the property from the building. This procedure is for your protection.